The Crazy Canuck from Canada ….Ay Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
The Crazy Canuck from Canada ….Ay Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
Sometimes Known As Alabama Thunder Pants, BAMA or his steam name DEATH_DEALER_12B Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
Sometimes he is in and sometimes he is not. Fast Wifi my ass Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
The cromagnum killer from the South. Sometimes called the Chacka Con! Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
AKA El’ Alps The tank driving wonder of the world! Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
AKA “El Javon” Soap in English… In Game name is JaMadAra and remember he is watching you! Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
It’s Antman Baby and he is killinz all da peoples….. Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
Testacleeeese sometimes known as Whiskey Tango Foxtrot or Gene Vandenham mostly lone wolf player but we likes the way he kills the people…. Old School Battlefield player. Active ARMA3 Player […]
The skidish player from the south. Sometimes he is here and sometimes he is not. Active ARMA3 Player – Plays MSOF Wasteland & MSOF Escape
Pronounced B_A H L A K I E Blake plays ARMA3. War Thunder